
CR Bridge

Club Activities

How to Update the Calendar


Two videos describe the process of updating the bridge calendar

  • Part 1 is general instruction on getting a Google account and on mechanics of updating the calendar.
  • Part 2 is the specific example of updating the month of September for evening clubs.



☠When you change one occurrence of a repeating series, you should NOT uncheck the “repeating” property before clicking SAVE.  If you do, you’ll mess up the series.😩

☠After you save a modified single occurrence from a series, that instance no longer has the “repeating” property, and it is safe to duplicate it.  You do NOT, however, want to duplicate a repeating event.

How to Create a Post or Article

The video below shows the creation of a plain-text post, with the example of a monthly masterpoints report.  (note 1)

A second video, in two parts, shows the creation of a more complex post, titled “Two for One.”  Subjects addressed include the following:

  • Creating, reviewing and editing a post.
  • Creating a table
  • Correcting a system issue with table formats
  • Incorporating an image (note 4)
  • Use of special symbols for suits

The video is in two parts totaling about 90 Mbytes.  They are about 5 minutes each.  A program called Flashback-Plus was used to record one video and  Microsoft’s free Moviemaker was used to split it in half.


(1) The masterpoints video states that “.txt” files open in Notepad; that actually could vary.  You can right-click to select the application you want to use.  To amplify the comment about “.dat” files, the meaning of such files is determined by the program using or producing the data.  This is qualitatively different from, for example, a “.jpg” file, which is always supposed to be a picture and generally follows certain public standards. Renaming the file (in the video) may have been a bit prissy, since Notepad will cheerfully open a “*.dat” file used to contain text.

(2) The Part Two video mentions alt key codes: You can google for “card suit symbols using alt key codes.”  One site is found here.   You have to use the numeric keyboard; the regular number keys won’t work.  You are supposed to have the keyboard NumLock set; some Windows applications won’t enforce that, but some do.  In WordPress, you may get some unexpected behaviors unless you set NumLock.  When you use alt key codes you press Alt, then press and release the number while holding down Alt; then release Alt.  The alt key codes for card suits are  3 for ♥, 4 for ♦,5 for ♣,6 for ♠.

full_screen(3) The Part Two video should have mentioned the full-screen option of the WordPress editor.  Hover over the button below the “Tools” menu , the fourth button from the right, to identirfy the full-screen toggle.

(4) A later post, “Managing Image Collections” provides additional detail about incorporating images.  That post mentions a new button, “clear-float,” that was added to the editor for use with images.  The clear-float button actually issues an html “break” instruction, which starts a new line.  In addition to its uses with positioning text after images, this button lets you start a new line without starting a new paragraph.  (By contrast, the “enter” keyboard key starts a new paragraph, which involves a line space.)

Double! I mean it!

I was asked by several to teach penalty doubles. I started researching the subject and found such great information that it has turned in to a series of lessons. The first was held on August 3. The players learned to count tricks, not points. They simulated a bidding sequence with the use of bidding boxes and then analyzed  hands to see if they should pass or double. The next lesson will be August 31 and will cover doubling part scores. I plan to have lessons on penalty doubles the first and last Wednesday in September, also. So much good information!! If you missed the first lesson, you can come next time (August 31) and I will be glad to give you a copy of the August 3 lesson.

By MaryAnn

Special Games

International Fund Game? Club Championship Game? Unit Championship Game? Grass Roots Fund Game? Club Appreciation Game? NAP? GNT?

What are all these special games that you see pop up on our calendars? ACBL allows club managers to run a variety of special games. The benefit to the players is extra points. All the special games cost the club more to run. Many clubs charge their players extra for that game. Cedar Rapids games do not charge extra so these games are a real deal for the participants.

There is a special events guide on the unit website: It will have complete information on all these games. Look under “governance” and then “Special Events Guide.”  If you just want a brief summary of all these special games, keep reading.

The ACBL has five charities or funds: Junior Fund, Grass Roots Fund, International Fund, Charity Fund and Educational Fund. All of these games cost the club owner an extra $5 per table and offer the players the odd percentage, 63.6%, sectional rating master points. If club owners hold one game for an ACBL charity, then they can hold another for a local charity.

Clubs can hold a club championship four times a year, for the same percentage increase in points, but for a lower investment in cost, just $1 per table. The Unit Special Events Coordinator (MaryAnn Boardman) schedules unit championship games at the beginning of the year and distributes them among the clubs in the whole unit. If you have a Monday club, you are lucky because you get more of these games. They have be divided among the clubs, with the most popular days getting the most unit championship games. Monday is the most popular day in Unit 163 for club owners to hold their games. They allot the same point enhancement as the other games mentioned above, but cost the club owner $2.25 per table. It’s a good deal and all the Cedar Rapids clubs enjoy these games.

Is your head spinning yet? There’s more! Grand National Team Games are held in the fall and winter and are qualifying games so that participants can compete in a district final and then, if they win, in the summer nationals where they represent our district. The North American Pair games are held in the summer months and qualify you to go to the district competition and then on the to spring nationals. These games are one of the few opportunities that bridge players have to win prize money. The unit and district will pay you to go on to the nationals. See the unit special events guide on the unit web page to see just how much. It us quite a nice sum! These games also pay better in points at the local level, 81.8% sectional tournament rating.

On the October evening bridge calendars, you will also see “club appreciation” games. These are in the higher point ranking division and are only to be held in October. The team game even offers a portion of gold points. This is the only game that you can win gold at club level.

There are even more special games. If you want more information, please look over the special events guide.

It has been a goal of the unit 163 board to encourage clubs to hold more of these special games. Cedar Rapids does great in this area. You will notice that a lot of the day time games are special point-enhanced games and almost all of the evening games. We want you to earn more points! Don’t miss the special games. The club owners are gifting you with these by paying the extra and charging you regular price. What a deal!

MaryAnn Boardman


Theme Edit to Improve Archive Search Appearance

This documents changes that were made to “content.php” in the “Empo” theme.  The problem solved is that several pages of the site are category searches.  The theme used an exotic format whereby the post content was confined to 2/3 the normal width and the left third was devoted to author, category, permalink, etc.  This made the search pages very unattractive and less useful than they should be.

If the theme is ever reinstalled or updated, these changes or something similar may be warranted.

Original Code of content.php

* @subpackage Empo

<article id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>

<div class=”one_third”>
<div class=”entry-details”>
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ): ?>
<a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘thumbnail’); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<p><?php echo get_the_date(); ?><br/>
<?php _e( ‘by’, ’empo’ ); ?> <?php the_author() ?><br/>
<?php comments_popup_link( __( ‘0 comments’, ’empo’ ), __( ‘1 Comment’, ’empo’ ), __( ‘% Comments’, ’empo’ ) ); ?></p>
</div><!– end entry-details –>
</div><!– end one_third –>
<div class=”two_third lastcolumn”>

New Code of content.php

* @subpackage Empo

<article id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>
<?php/* Beginning of block I have commented out. Bob
<div class=”one_third”>
<div class=”entry-details”>
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ): ?>
<a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘thumbnail’); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<p><?php echo get_the_date(); ?><br/>
<?php _e( ‘by’, ’empo’ ); ?> <?php the_author() ?><br/>
<?php comments_popup_link( __( ‘0 comments’, ’empo’ ), __( ‘1 Comment’, ’empo’ ), __( ‘% Comments’, ’empo’ ) ); ?></p>
</div><!– end entry-details –>
</div><!– end one_third –><div class=”two_third lastcolumn”>
End of block I have commented out. The next line has been modified too. see above. Bob */?>
<div class=”single-entry-details”>

2015-2016 Tournament Results

Cedar Falls NLM Sectional – December 13 – 14, 2016   RESULTS
Cedar Falls/Waterloo Fall Sectional –November 11-13, 2016   RESULTS 
Davenport Fall Sectional – October 14-16, 2016      RESULTS
Dubuque Sectional – September 23-25, 2016     RESULTS
Iowa City Sectional – August 26-28, 2016     RESULTS 
Cedar Rapids Sectional – July 15-17, 2016     RESULTS
Iowa City Regional – June 28 – July 3, 2016     RESULTS 
Archived Results 2/2015 to 5/2016

Posting Results and Hands


For daily club results, software automatically computes the links to the latest postings on acbl.   The set of links looks something like this:

Bridging the Gap Sunday, October 2 Hands
Marion Club Thursday, September 29
Build Better Bridge Wednesday, September 28
(Common Game) Wednesday, September 28 Hands
Happy Bridge Monday, September 26
Friendly Hands Monday, September 26

These links will automatically replace themselves without any intervention.   Some links may be shown that are not yet posted to acbl.  If a club session is not held, the link will appear anyway, but it just won’t work (you’ll get a 404 error.).

For hand records, only for evening clubs, the software will automatically compute links to the most recent postings.

These local hand records have to have the following precise naming format: YYDDMM.htm, as in “160713.htm,” or else “YYDDMM.pdf,” as in “161012.pdf.”    They have to be installed in the “hands” folder of cedarrapidsbridge via the “Hands Uploader.”  The names are case-sensitive, so use lower-case for “.htm” or for “.pdf.”  The link to the uploader is in the footer. This will open a form, in which you will

1)select the file to upload by clicking the “choose file” button
2)enter the necessary password
3)optionally select the “enable overwrite” button
4)click the “upload file” button

If the customer wants to see results older than four weeks, he can follow the “Current Month” link for the club and, at the acbl site, select the desired month and click “go.”  For older hand records, there is a link to the “hands” folder.  The files are displayed in order of date of play.  Clicking on a file name will open it in the browser.

The Wednesday night game normally uses the hands of the “Common Game.”   If, and only if, the results page doesn’t find the appropriate hand record for Wednesday night in the local archive, a link to the Common Game hand record is offered.  This would be sufficient, except that the Common Game hand records disappear after about two weeks, and we prefer to have a semi-permanent archive.  Therefore, every couple of weeks, we generally transfer a copy of the recent Common Game hand records to the local archive.

Search for Hand

Most of the hand records are searchable:

Most of the hand records are searchable.  This is always true if the file name ends in “HTM” or a variant of that.  It is sometimes true for pdf files as well.

For example, if you open 160622.htm (2016 June the 22nd) in your browser, and you want to review the hand where someone held AKQJ of hearts, type Ctrl-f to start a browser-page search and enter AKQJ in the search window that appears.  You will be able to find the hand of interest using the search navigation arrows.


Playing in the Nationals

Response to Editorial from Bridge Bulletin, June 2016
I read this editorial and got teary eyed. I told my husband that I could have written something similar. We, too, went to the Reno Nationals and were thrilled to make it to the finals round of a national event. We played against several who regularly are published in the Bridge Bulletin. Barbara Seagram was a delightful opponent. Jerry Helms gave me helpful advice about a hand that I played against him. The trick was to duck with AKxxx across from two small in a side suit. The suit had been bid on my right, just a response-I didn’t know LHO had a singleton for sure, but I blithely led my AK to take the doubleton off the board, so I could trump the littles and the K got trumped. Wily Jerry led trump then to cut down further ruffs by me and I went down. He, so politely, told me that it was “counterintuitive,” but that playing the Ace and then low would have been a better play. We played against Fred Hamilton, who was quite dandy, in a fancy suit and tie. He was a bit grumpy, but I got a real kick out of him griping about how we got a good board against him for following suit when he went down in a grand slam. We actually won our first platinum points by placing, I don’t know, maybe 78th, in one session. We probably played against other “greats” that we didn’t even recognize, but it was so fun to compete with them. We must have had the “growth mindset” (talked about in the following editorial) on us that day. In what other game do you have the opportunity to play the pros? Imagine playing against Jordan Spieth in golf or Bobby Fisher in chess. Not only playing them, but competing, because of the nature of duplicate where you play only a few boards against them. It’s a thrill! So, wherever you play bridge, don’t be afraid to “play up.” It’s good for your game and good for your mindset. Just do it!
Here is the editorial: Mind over Masterpoints, by Al Muggia, Winchester, MA
So we lost at the Reno NABC and had a rewarding time doing it. Playing against more skillful and experienced players, it was my most successful “losing effort” to date. Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset, discusses the difference between approaching challenges of all kinds with a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. She writes that a fixed mindset is defined by an outcome. Challenge and interest go hand in hand, and challenge is why so many of us initially got hooked on this fantastic game. With a growth mindset, value comes from the challenger and from learning regardless of the outcome. Success and thrills come from learning, but not from being flawless or winning it all.
Success by points and outcomes at the table is not the way any of us started learning bridge. The ACBL’s effort to make masterpoints more available at all levels of play is catering to the notion that we all have a fixed mindset approach to the game. Dweck feels it is important to ditch the notion that validation comes from success (i.e. Masterpoints won).
My partner and I made it to day two of the Silodor Open Pairs and the Jacoby open Swiss Teams. I did not expect either. We did not end up in the overall in either event, but we did have a full four days of experiences. We had a “Meckwellian response” auction against Rodwell and Meckstroth. Team Zimmermann told us they played everything standard but, of course, with a variable 1NT. I declared a tough 4 spade contract against Team Farozzo. We defended a hand against Kit Woolsey whose book on defense I was reading on the way to Reno. John Kranyak gave me a comment about a suit combination that I now know. Frank Stewart bid a lovely grand slam against us. All the teams on day two knew we were stranger to that event, and they could not have been more cordial or well-wishing.
A fixed mindset thrives when things are safely within its grasp at the local club, in gold rush pairs, or playing only in your bracket. A growth mindset puts itself out there and grows. The stars of the world in tennis, soccer, or golf do not welcome you to their venue. All of our national and local stars are willingly and cordially there to play against you in NABC’s, regionals, and sectionals if you want to play against them. The ACBL invites us all to sit at the table with the pros. This offers all bridge players a unique opportunity to rediscover the growth mindset that engaged us in the first place and banish that fatiguing and strangling fixed mindset.
Move up. Play up and take pride in your accomplishments that are never going to be measured by masterpoints, trophies, or your name in the Bridge Bulletin. (end of editorial)
PS The Boardman night clubs in Cedar Rapids, IA are dedicated to learning. Hand records, a mentoring program, and free lessons are some of the components of this effort. The Boardman clubs have a lot of very good players who are willing and able to help those who want to learn to improve their game. This is the place to practice your growth mindset and improve your game. The games are Bridging the Gap 5:00 Sunday afternoon, and Build Better Bridge, 6:30 Wednesday night at the Country Inn and Suites, airport exit.
J MA pic