One of our favorite bridge days was the fund raiser for Alzheimer’s, The Longest Day. This year it will look a little different. The ACBL is dedicating all the virtual club games played on the weekend of June 20 and 21 as Longest Day games. The proceeds will go to Alzheimer’s and the games will all be point enhanced.
The Eastern Iowa Bridge club is combining to make this a great event. There will be four games on Saturday, all for Alzheimer’s. The games will be at 10, 2, and 6. There will be two separate games at 6, an open game and an under 1000 game.
What about the prizes and the food? Well, you have to fix your own food this year, but we are giving prizes. We will have a raffle for gift cards. For every game that you play in, you will get one ticket. If you go to our Eastern Iowa Longest Day website and donate there, you will earn two raffle tickets. Then there will be a drawing and six gift cards to popular restaurants awarded. One person from each of the six areas will win. The Boardman’s are donating the gift cards so that more money will go to Alzheimer’s.
Our whole Unit 163 has the opportunity to work and play together and make this an awesome event. Please help us support this special fundraiser!