
CR Bridge

Club Activities

Answers for Class on Redoubles

Answers for Lesson on Redoubling

Given April 5 at BBB and April 10 at Noelridge Church

  1. Your partner has opened 1♣ and RHO made a TO double. You have: ♠ KJ1087 ♥ 4 ♦ A103 ♣ Q976

            Bid a forcing one spade. Otherwise your opponents will start bidding hearts and you will have trouble describing your hand. Later bids will clear things up.

  1. Same auction as #1. You have:♠ KQJ6 ♥ 42 ♦ 7542 ♣ 1076

           Bid one spade. Still forcing, just like it would have been if there was no intervening double. Later passes will clarify.

  1. Partner opens 1♠. RHO makes a TO double, You have ♠ 5 ♥ AK97 ♦ A654 ♣ K853

          RD Shortness in partner’s suit and length in the other suits makes you think Double! Get there by starting with a RD.

  1. This time partner opened 1♦, RHO made a TO double and you have: ♠ QJ987 ♥ K4♦ 542 ♣ 1076

          Bid one spade. You are not expecting to bid again.

  1. This time partner opened 1 ♦, RHO made a TO double and you have: ♠ J976 ♥ J2 ♦ K76 ♣ KJ87

           Bid 1 NT. Your spade suit is too poor, but you have enough to say something and 1NT describes your hand.

  1. Partner opens 1♠, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ QJ54 ♥ A3 ♦ K1032 ♣ 654

         Jordan 2NT You use this convention so that you can bid three spades on a weaker hand. If you don’t play Jordan here you have to play a limit raise and bid 3S.

  1. Partner opens 1 ♣, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ 3 ♥ KQ1086 ♦ AQ542 ♣ 103

          Bid one heart. You will bid your diamonds later to show a two-suiter.

  1. Partner opens 1 ♥, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ void ♥ K6543♦ QJ109 ♣ 8754

           Bid four hearts. You love this weak freak sort of hand. Steal the bidding room and let them make a   decision at the four level.  Non vul against vul, you might just bid 5 hearts if your partner passes four spades.

  1. Partner opens 1 ♥, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ Q1076 ♥ 2 ♦ A32 ♣ AQ976                                                                  You are looking to penalize the opponents. Let your partner know you do not have a fit with him, but you do have 10+ points. You are planning to penalty double whatever the opponents bid.
  2. Partner opens 1 ♠, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ QJ5 ♥ J1098 ♦ A65 ♣ 987                                                                      Keep it simple. This is a plain old two spade bid.
  1. Partner opens 1♥, RHO makes a TO double, you have: ♠ A6 ♥3 ♦ KJ10876 ♣ 7654

         If you agreed to play two of a minor nonforcing, this is the hand for it. Bid 2D.

  1. Partner opens 1♠, RHO makes a TO double, you have ♠ AQ76 ♥ KQ5 ♦ QJ108 ♣ 76

           With this rare hand, you have to start with RD and later bid game in spades. Your message to partner is that you have a full opener with spade support. If you had a similar hand without such good spade support (usually just two), you can start with a RD and then bid NT.

  1. Partner opens 1 ♠. RHO makes a TO double, you have ♠ 10987 ♥ KQ4 ♦ J10654 ♣ 6

         This is the three spade hand. You play Jordan so that you can bid three on hands like this. You might steal the bid.