The Longest Day fundraiser was held at Build Better Bridge on June 20. It was a day-long celebration of bridge and giving.
Some of the highlights were: Sixteen total tables of bridge with two enhanced-point duplicate games and a social bridge game, free breakfast bagels provided by the Klein’s, free lunch provided by the Boardmans, a talk by two speakers from the Alzheimer’s Association and a free bridge lesson by MaryAnn. Also, there was a raffle of gift cards. MaryAnn and Keith Sutherland begged businesses for the gift cards, and Jack Murphy sold the tickets.
Donations, donations, donations!! We had online donations (even from relatives and friends who could not attend), raffle money, the entire $8 entry for the two duplicate games, and a donation box. Donations are still coming in, but as of June 23, we earned a whopping $2200 for Alzheimer’s.
Using bridge to raise money to fight this horrible disease is awesome! Thank you to all our donors and worker bees. You are amazing!